How’s that change working for you?


Hello everyone, indeed, I am still here. I have not yet traveled to Boston for my first appointment but have been assured I will be contacted shortly. They have requested that I do not share any confidential study information regarding what may or may not be occurring with these injections so I will not be able to share photos or my experience until the FDA discloses the results of the trial. That’s a bit of a downer, but totally understandable.

I included these two pictures in today’s post, one is of the fall colors  here in Minnesota, I love the fall here, but also know winter is coming….booo. This picture was sent to me by a friend who lives by the  Mississippi River, she did an outstanding job! The second picture my wife sent to me and because I thought it was hysterical, included it for you to enjoy!

As the seasons change here in Minnesota, my thoughts go to the idea of change. What causes such resistance in people to the idea they ought to participate  in change? What I mean by change is not changing the channel on your tv or changing your mind about what you want to eat, when you want to sleep etc. I am talking about sustainable change. One in which it causes you to shift your paradigms or even your dogma. In the diabetic world it is understanding that a cure for diabetes is not just a better treatment or transplant. That a lifestyle change is required for better management of the disease. Understanding and tolerating differing viewpoints and experiences. For those who do not have diabetes I liken it to our weird spiritual beliefs. Are we interested in learning the truth or more of the truth and change our beliefs than just vomiting our beliefs and leaving in a huff if others do not  conform to my beliefs?  Are we willing to walk away from a greater understanding of truth simply because it is too difficult to change our beliefs? Are we all insane? How does approaching the same problems in our lives, with the same ‘solutions’ expecting a better result fly?

I teach a master’s level class in Organization change management. I have challenged my students, all adult learners, to view change as an iterative, internal process, that eventually moves one to make external changes. I have learned through the years, sustained change requires my participation in the change process. What I mean by iterative is it repeats often. I am not to insist on conformity so I am made comfortable by others changes. I must change with everyone and understand where the fear of change comes from. I do not believe most adult learners comprehend participation in change, most just want to be shown a model of change and make external changes to comply, this is not change. It has been my experience in the change process that I must be made aware a change needs to take place, I then must understand that I have to participate in the change process to change, then I am ready to make a change, I am actively researching how I am going to make the change in my life, then I make the change, how well I surround myself with support through this critical phase determines if I am able to sustain the change, ultimately changing  my dogma or paradigm.

One of my paradigm shifts is in understanding the nature of my disease and the impact it presents itself on me. As I have crossed over the 50 year old plateau a few years back, I have noticed some changes in my disease. Notably, I am having more difficulty managing my blood glucose more frequently. At first I resisted the idea I am going to have to agressively treat my glucose spikes with different settings and elimination of certain items in my diet….something I continue to work on. But ultimately, for me, the older I get the harder it will become to adequately manage this disease. This works on my brain because I do not want to revamp my entire life to accomodate the needs of this stupid disease. However; change dictates I am to participate in the needs of my body to remain healthy. I so understand why so many people give up on managing their diabetes and chase their blood glucose readings each day. I have been doing this the past couple of weeks.  But it is not the healthy way to live.  Even though I “know” a lot about my disease, I do not hold all the truth about this disease and I must participate in changing what I have come to know about the effects this disease has on my body.

As the old Star Trek show said, “resistance is futile.” How I adapt to sustained change will literally save my life.  For you non-diabetics, perhaps re-examining your dogma might reveal some flaws in your understanding of what is and allow an opportunity for growth through a sustained change….you never know!

3 thoughts on “How’s that change working for you?

  1. Noooo! 😦 I was really looking forward to the updates about the trial. But, I should have figured that would be how it goes, as I have never heard from people before this about how clinical trials are affecting them. Well, fingers are crossed and I am hoping to hear good news when your lips are no longer sealed. Keep us posted when you can! I will reblog it in an instant!


  2. Thanks, Larry, for your challenging insights into change. All of life is about change & how we implement it. In our humanness, we tend to resist all change. I’m finding that as we age, even more change is required. Whether we embrace change or resist it makes all the difference in our quality of life as we age. Thanks again for your wisdom!


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